Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Only 4 more days!

Caleb frequently has very elaborate dreams, but, by the time he's done telling me about them, I usually can't remember enough of the details to write them down in an effective manner. I'm not sure why I'd never thought to do it before, but on this particular day, I decided to transcribe the dream, as Caleb told it to me. I got the laptop out and typed away as he talked. Because it's quite long, it will be the sole Calebism for the day. Enjoy!

Age 3

Caleb: I was in the car, driving to the Alpha-Bits station. And do you know where it was? I went forward and took a left. Then right and then forward and then left and then forward and then right and there was the Alpha-Bits station. There were 10,000 Alpha-Bits. I jumped in a pile of Alpha-Bits. The sign said Golden Alpha-Bits. They were different than these Alpha-Bits (pointing to our box of Alpha-Bits). So, someone came out of the Alpha-Bits station, but no one could see me in the pile of Alpha- Bits. So then when I got out, someone could see me and I said, "Who are you?" They said, "I'm James Madison." And I said, " Why is that your name?" And the guy said, "It's because it's my name. See? It says it right there on my tag." Then I said, "Do you have any Skittles?" And he said, "Yes" And I said, "How many do you have?" And he said, "Ten Skittles." I said, "Can I have one of the Skittles?" And the guy said, "Well, yes!" And when I ate the Skittles, I told him a story. I went to the bathroom to pee pee and there was one Alpha-Bit in the bathroom. "Why are there Alpha-Bits in the bathroom?" I said that to myself. After I pee peed, I came back outside, and there were only 2 cars in the road. And then I jumped into another pile of Alpha-Bits and no one could see me again. And someone else came and said, "Who are you?" It looked kind of like the lady from Sandhills. And the lady told me something strange. She said that she had taken a nap the whole day. And I said, "Why did you sleep all day?" And the lady said, "Because I haven't slept in a long time." There was another person in the Alpha-Bits Station. It was Uncle George. He told me some good things about his dream. I told him that there was only one Alpha-Bit in the bathroom. He said, "There is one Alpha-Bit in the bathroom?" I said,"Yep. Go look, Uncle George." He opened the door and looked like this (demonstrating), and found the one Alpha-Bit on the floor. I said, "See? That's the one Alpha-Bit, Uncle George." And I showed him the 10,000 Alpha-Bits in the Alpha-Bits station. And he said to me, "Are you a man?" I said, "No, I'm not a man, I'm a big boy. Come on! I'm not a man." Then George said he had a dream about bumblebees last night. He loved the bumblebees. He played tag. He even played Bananagrams with them. He taught them how to play. He said, " You just take 21 tiles and make words." So, the bumblebees took 21 tiles and made words. They made "pages" "gates" and they also made "cat". Guess who was also in his dream? Aunt Anne. She loved the bumblebees. Then Aunt Anne told me about her dream. She had a dream about Capri Sun. She drank 3 Mountain Coolers, 1 Coastal Cooler, and guess how many Pacific Coolers? Six! She got really tired of Capri Sun. She asked me, "Do you have a Leapster." I said, "Well, yes." And she said, "Which games do you have?" I said, "Well, I have Thomas and Cars." Aunt Anne said, "Amazing." We all stayed at the Alpha-Bits station. I was in the Alpha-Bits station for 25 days. And that's the whole dream.

Mommy: Wow!


Anonymous said...

How sad that your child has so little imagination!

Andrew Lewis said...

Man. I'm exhausted just from reading it.

April Emery said...

wow - i have no words. he is an impressive little (big) boy